Equivariant Message Passing Neural Network for Crystal Material
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.00485v1
- Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 14:48:18 GMT
- Title: Equivariant Message Passing Neural Network for Crystal Material
- Authors: Astrid Klipfel, Olivier Peltre, Najwa Harrati, Ya\"el Fregier, Adlane
Sayede, Zied Bouraoui
- Abstract summary: We propose a periodic equivariant message-passing neural network that learns crystal lattice deformation in an unsupervised fashion.
Our model equivalently acts on lattice according to the deformation action that must be performed, making it suitable for crystal generation, relaxation and optimisation.
- Score: 8.481798330936975
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Automatic material discovery with desired properties is a fundamental
challenge for material sciences. Considerable attention has recently been
devoted to generating stable crystal structures. While existing work has shown
impressive success on supervised tasks such as property prediction, the
progress on unsupervised tasks such as material generation is still hampered by
the limited extent to which the equivalent geometric representations of the
same crystal are considered. To address this challenge, we propose EMPNN a
periodic equivariant message-passing neural network that learns crystal lattice
deformation in an unsupervised fashion. Our model equivalently acts on lattice
according to the deformation action that must be performed, making it suitable
for crystal generation, relaxation and optimisation. We present experimental
evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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