Understanding Reconstruction Attacks with the Neural Tangent Kernel and
Dataset Distillation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01428v2
- Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 21:07:22 GMT
- Title: Understanding Reconstruction Attacks with the Neural Tangent Kernel and
Dataset Distillation
- Authors: Noel Loo, Ramin Hasani, Mathias Lechner, Alexander Amini, Daniela Rus
- Abstract summary: We build a stronger version of the dataset reconstruction attack and show how it can provably recover the emphentire training set in the infinite width regime.
We show that both theoretically and empirically, reconstructed images tend to "outliers" in the dataset.
These reconstruction attacks can be used for textitdataset distillation, that is, we can retrain on reconstructed images and obtain high predictive accuracy.
- Score: 110.61853418925219
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Modern deep learning requires large volumes of data, which could contain
sensitive or private information that cannot be leaked. Recent work has shown
for homogeneous neural networks a large portion of this training data could be
reconstructed with only access to the trained network parameters. While the
attack was shown to work empirically, there exists little formal understanding
of its effective regime which datapoints are susceptible to reconstruction. In
this work, we first build a stronger version of the dataset reconstruction
attack and show how it can provably recover the \emph{entire training set} in
the infinite width regime. We then empirically study the characteristics of
this attack on two-layer networks and reveal that its success heavily depends
on deviations from the frozen infinite-width Neural Tangent Kernel limit. Next,
we study the nature of easily-reconstructed images. We show that both
theoretically and empirically, reconstructed images tend to "outliers" in the
dataset, and that these reconstruction attacks can be used for \textit{dataset
distillation}, that is, we can retrain on reconstructed images and obtain high
predictive accuracy.
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