Oscillation-free Quantization for Low-bit Vision Transformers
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02210v3
- Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 05:04:43 GMT
- Title: Oscillation-free Quantization for Low-bit Vision Transformers
- Authors: Shih-Yang Liu, Zechun Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng
- Abstract summary: Weight oscillation is an undesirable side effect of quantization-aware training.
We propose three techniques to improve quantization compared to the prevalent learnable-scale-based method.
Our algorithms consistently achieve substantial accuracy improvement on ImageNet.
- Score: 36.64352091626433
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Weight oscillation is an undesirable side effect of quantization-aware
training, in which quantized weights frequently jump between two quantized
levels, resulting in training instability and a sub-optimal final model. We
discover that the learnable scaling factor, a widely-used $\textit{de facto}$
setting in quantization aggravates weight oscillation. In this study, we
investigate the connection between the learnable scaling factor and quantized
weight oscillation and use ViT as a case driver to illustrate the findings and
remedies. In addition, we also found that the interdependence between quantized
weights in $\textit{query}$ and $\textit{key}$ of a self-attention layer makes
ViT vulnerable to oscillation. We, therefore, propose three techniques
accordingly: statistical weight quantization ($\rm StatsQ$) to improve
quantization robustness compared to the prevalent learnable-scale-based method;
confidence-guided annealing ($\rm CGA$) that freezes the weights with
$\textit{high confidence}$ and calms the oscillating weights; and
$\textit{query}$-$\textit{key}$ reparameterization ($\rm QKR$) to resolve the
query-key intertwined oscillation and mitigate the resulting gradient
misestimation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that these proposed techniques
successfully abate weight oscillation and consistently achieve substantial
accuracy improvement on ImageNet. Specifically, our 2-bit DeiT-T/DeiT-S
algorithms outperform the previous state-of-the-art by 9.8% and 7.7%,
respectively. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/nbasyl/OFQ.
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