Sparse PCA Beyond Covariance Thresholding
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- Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 19:15:08 GMT
- Title: Sparse PCA Beyond Covariance Thresholding
- Authors: Gleb Novikov
- Abstract summary: We show that for every $t ll k$ there exists an algorithm running in time $ncdot dO(t)$ that solves this problem as long as [ gtrsim fracksqrtntsqrtln(2 + td/k2)$.
We provide time algorithms for the sparse planted vector problem that have better guarantees than the state of the art in some regimes.
- Score: 2.311583680973075
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- Abstract: In the Wishart model for sparse PCA we are given $n$ samples $Y_1,\ldots,
Y_n$ drawn independently from a $d$-dimensional Gaussian distribution $N({0, Id
+ \beta vv^\top})$, where $\beta > 0$ and $v\in \mathbb{R}^d$ is a $k$-sparse
unit vector, and we wish to recover $v$ (up to sign).
We show that if $n \ge \Omega(d)$, then for every $t \ll k$ there exists an
algorithm running in time $n\cdot d^{O(t)}$ that solves this problem as long as
\[ \beta \gtrsim \frac{k}{\sqrt{nt}}\sqrt{\ln({2 + td/k^2})}\,. \] Prior to
this work, the best polynomial time algorithm in the regime $k\approx
\sqrt{d}$, called \emph{Covariance Thresholding} (proposed in [KNV15a] and
analyzed in [DM14]), required $\beta \gtrsim \frac{k}{\sqrt{n}}\sqrt{\ln({2 +
d/k^2})}$. For large enough constant $t$ our algorithm runs in polynomial time
and has better guarantees than Covariance Thresholding. Previously known
algorithms with such guarantees required quasi-polynomial time $d^{O(\log d)}$.
In addition, we show that our techniques work with sparse PCA with
adversarial perturbations studied in [dKNS20]. This model generalizes not only
sparse PCA, but also other problems studied in prior works, including the
sparse planted vector problem. As a consequence, we provide polynomial time
algorithms for the sparse planted vector problem that have better guarantees
than the state of the art in some regimes.
Our approach also works with the Wigner model for sparse PCA. Moreover, we
show that it is possible to combine our techniques with recent results on
sparse PCA with symmetric heavy-tailed noise [dNNS22]. In particular, in the
regime $k \approx \sqrt{d}$ we get the first polynomial time algorithm that
works with symmetric heavy-tailed noise, while the algorithm from [dNNS22].
requires quasi-polynomial time in these settings.
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