The Complexity of Sparse Tensor PCA
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- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 10:57:00 GMT
- Title: The Complexity of Sparse Tensor PCA
- Authors: Davin Choo, Tommaso d'Orsi
- Abstract summary: For any $1 leq leq k$, our algorithms recover the sparse vector for signal-to-noise ratio $lambda geq tildemathcalO (sqrtt cdot (k/t)p/2)$ in time.
Even in the restricted case of PCA, known algorithms only recover the sparse vectors for $lambda geq tildemathcalO(k cdot r) while our algorithms require $lambda ge
- Score: 1.90365714903665
- License:
- Abstract: We study the problem of sparse tensor principal component analysis: given a
tensor $\pmb Y = \pmb W + \lambda x^{\otimes p}$ with $\pmb W \in
\otimes^p\mathbb{R}^n$ having i.i.d. Gaussian entries, the goal is to recover
the $k$-sparse unit vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$. The model captures both sparse
PCA (in its Wigner form) and tensor PCA.
For the highly sparse regime of $k \leq \sqrt{n}$, we present a family of
algorithms that smoothly interpolates between a simple polynomial-time
algorithm and the exponential-time exhaustive search algorithm. For any $1 \leq
t \leq k$, our algorithms recovers the sparse vector for signal-to-noise ratio
$\lambda \geq \tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\sqrt{t} \cdot (k/t)^{p/2})$ in time
$\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(n^{p+t})$, capturing the state-of-the-art guarantees for
the matrix settings (in both the polynomial-time and sub-exponential time
Our results naturally extend to the case of $r$ distinct $k$-sparse signals
with disjoint supports, with guarantees that are independent of the number of
spikes. Even in the restricted case of sparse PCA, known algorithms only
recover the sparse vectors for $\lambda \geq \tilde{\mathcal{O}}(k \cdot r)$
while our algorithms require $\lambda \geq \tilde{\mathcal{O}}(k)$.
Finally, by analyzing the low-degree likelihood ratio, we complement these
algorithmic results with rigorous evidence illustrating the trade-offs between
signal-to-noise ratio and running time. This lower bound captures the known
lower bounds for both sparse PCA and tensor PCA. In this general model, we
observe a more intricate three-way trade-off between the number of samples $n$,
the sparsity $k$, and the tensor power $p$.
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