Test-Time Distribution Normalization for Contrastively Learned
Vision-language Models
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.11084v2
- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 23:06:06 GMT
- Title: Test-Time Distribution Normalization for Contrastively Learned
Vision-language Models
- Authors: Yifei Zhou, Juntao Ren, Fengyu Li, Ramin Zabih, Ser-Nam Lim
- Abstract summary: One of the most representative approaches proposed recently known as CLIP has garnered widespread adoption due to its effectiveness.
This paper reveals that the common downstream practice of taking a dot product is only a zeroth-order approximation of the optimization goal, resulting in a loss of information during test-time.
We propose Distribution Normalization (DN), where we approximate the mean representation of a batch of test samples and use such a mean to represent what would be analogous to negative samples in the InfoNCE loss.
- Score: 39.66329310098645
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Advances in the field of vision-language contrastive learning have made it
possible for many downstream applications to be carried out efficiently and
accurately by simply taking the dot product between image and text
representations. One of the most representative approaches proposed recently
known as CLIP has garnered widespread adoption due to its effectiveness. CLIP
is trained with an InfoNCE loss that takes into account both positive and
negative samples to help learn a much more robust representation space. This
paper reveals that the common downstream practice of taking a dot product is
only a zeroth-order approximation of the optimization goal, resulting in a loss
of information during test-time. Intuitively, since the model has been
optimized based on the InfoNCE loss, test-time procedures should also be in
alignment. The question lies in how one can retrieve any semblance of negative
samples information during inference in a computationally efficient way. To
this end, we propose Distribution Normalization (DN), where we approximate the
mean representation of a batch of test samples and use such a mean to represent
what would be analogous to negative samples in the InfoNCE loss. DN requires no
retraining or fine-tuning and can be effortlessly applied during inference.
Extensive experiments on a wide variety of downstream tasks exhibit a clear
advantage of DN over the dot product on top of other existing test-time
augmentation methods.
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