Asymptotic convergence of iterative optimization algorithms
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- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 09:58:56 GMT
- Title: Asymptotic convergence of iterative optimization algorithms
- Authors: Randal Douc, Sylvain Le Corff
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces a general framework for iterative optimization algorithms.
We prove that under appropriate assumptions, the rate of convergence can be lower bounded.
We provide the exact convergence rate.
- Score: 1.6328866317851185
- License:
- Abstract: This paper introduces a general framework for iterative optimization
algorithms and establishes under general assumptions that their convergence is
asymptotically geometric. We also prove that under appropriate assumptions, the
rate of convergence can be lower bounded. The convergence is then only
geometric, and we provide the exact asymptotic convergence rate. This framework
allows to deal with constrained optimization and encompasses the Expectation
Maximization algorithm and the mirror descent algorithm, as well as some
variants such as the alpha-Expectation Maximization or the Mirror Prox
algorithm.Furthermore, we establish sufficient conditions for the convergence
of the Mirror Prox algorithm, under which the method converges systematically
to the unique minimizer of a convex function on a convex compact set.
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