Linking Streets in OpenStreetMap to Persons in Wikidata
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:35:53 GMT
- Title: Linking Streets in OpenStreetMap to Persons in Wikidata
- Authors: Daria Gurtovoy and Simon Gottschalk
- Abstract summary: Geographic web sources such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) and knowledge graphs such as Wikidata are often unconnected.
An example connection can be established between these sources are links between streets in OSM to the persons in Wikidata they were named after.
This paper presents StreetToPerson, an approach for connecting streets in OSM to persons in a knowledge graph based on relations in the knowledge graph and spatial dependencies.
- Score: 1.827510863075184
- License:
- Abstract: Geographic web sources such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) and knowledge graphs such
as Wikidata are often unconnected. An example connection that can be
established between these sources are links between streets in OSM to the
persons in Wikidata they were named after. This paper presents StreetToPerson,
an approach for connecting streets in OSM to persons in a knowledge graph based
on relations in the knowledge graph and spatial dependencies. Our evaluation
shows that we outperform existing approaches by 26 percentage points. In
addition, we apply StreetToPerson on all OSM streets in Germany, for which we
identify more than 180,000 links between streets and persons.
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