Fast as CHITA: Neural Network Pruning with Combinatorial Optimization
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- Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 15:03:18 GMT
- Title: Fast as CHITA: Neural Network Pruning with Combinatorial Optimization
- Authors: Riade Benbaki, Wenyu Chen, Xiang Meng, Hussein Hazimeh, Natalia
Ponomareva, Zhe Zhao, Rahul Mazumder
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel optimization-based pruning framework that considers the combined effect of pruning (and updating) multiple weights subject to a sparsity constraint.
Our approach, CHITA, extends the classical Brain Surgeon framework and results in significant improvements in speed, memory, and performance.
- Score: 9.440450886684603
- License:
- Abstract: The sheer size of modern neural networks makes model serving a serious
computational challenge. A popular class of compression techniques overcomes
this challenge by pruning or sparsifying the weights of pretrained networks.
While useful, these techniques often face serious tradeoffs between
computational requirements and compression quality. In this work, we propose a
novel optimization-based pruning framework that considers the combined effect
of pruning (and updating) multiple weights subject to a sparsity constraint.
Our approach, CHITA, extends the classical Optimal Brain Surgeon framework and
results in significant improvements in speed, memory, and performance over
existing optimization-based approaches for network pruning. CHITA's main
workhorse performs combinatorial optimization updates on a memory-friendly
representation of local quadratic approximation(s) of the loss function. On a
standard benchmark of pretrained models and datasets, CHITA leads to
significantly better sparsity-accuracy tradeoffs than competing methods. For
example, for MLPNet with only 2% of the weights retained, our approach improves
the accuracy by 63% relative to the state of the art. Furthermore, when used in
conjunction with fine-tuning SGD steps, our method achieves significant
accuracy gains over the state-of-the-art approaches.
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