Efficient Approximate Recovery from Pooled Data Using Doubly Regular
Pooling Schemes
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.00043v1
- Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:31:40 GMT
- Title: Efficient Approximate Recovery from Pooled Data Using Doubly Regular
Pooling Schemes
- Authors: Max Hahn-Klimroth, Dominik Kaaser, Malin Rau
- Abstract summary: We analyze an approximate reconstruction algorithm that estimates the hidden bits in a greedy fashion.
Our analysis is uniform in the degree of noise and the sparsity of $sigma$.
- Score: 1.7403133838762448
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the pooled data problem we are given $n$ agents with hidden state bits,
either $0$ or $1$. The hidden states are unknown and can be seen as the
underlying ground truth $\sigma$. To uncover that ground truth, we are given a
querying method that queries multiple agents at a time. Each query reports the
sum of the states of the queried agents. Our goal is to learn the hidden state
bits using as few queries as possible.
So far, most literature deals with exact reconstruction of all hidden state
bits. We study a more relaxed variant in which we allow a small fraction of
agents to be classified incorrectly. This becomes particularly relevant in the
noisy variant of the pooled data problem where the queries' results are subject
to random noise. In this setting, we provide a doubly regular test design that
assigns agents to queries. For this design we analyze an approximate
reconstruction algorithm that estimates the hidden bits in a greedy fashion. We
give a rigorous analysis of the algorithm's performance, its error probability,
and its approximation quality. As a main technical novelty, our analysis is
uniform in the degree of noise and the sparsity of $\sigma$. Finally,
simulations back up our theoretical findings and provide strong empirical
evidence that our algorithm works well for realistic sample sizes.
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