Navigating to the Best Policy in Markov Decision Processes
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- Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2021 09:16:28 GMT
- Title: Navigating to the Best Policy in Markov Decision Processes
- Authors: Aymen Al Marjani, Aur\'elien Garivier, Alexandre Proutiere
- Abstract summary: We investigate the active pure exploration problem in Markov Decision Processes.
Agent sequentially selects actions and, from the resulting system trajectory, aims at the best as fast as possible.
- Score: 68.8204255655161
- License:
- Abstract: We investigate the classical active pure exploration problem in Markov
Decision Processes, where the agent sequentially selects actions and, from the
resulting system trajectory, aims at identifying the best policy as fast as
possible. We propose an information-theoretic lower bound on the average number
of steps required before a correct answer can be given with probability at
least $1-\delta$. This lower bound involves a non-convex optimization problem,
for which we propose a convex relaxation. We further provide an algorithm whose
sample complexity matches the relaxed lower bound up to a factor $2$. This
algorithm addresses general communicating MDPs; we propose a variant with
reduced exploration rate (and hence faster convergence) under an additional
ergodicity assumption. This work extends previous results relative to the
\emph{generative setting}~\cite{marjani2020adaptive}, where the agent could at
each step observe the random outcome of any (state, action) pair. In contrast,
we show here how to deal with the \emph{navigation constraints}. Our analysis
relies on an ergodic theorem for non-homogeneous Markov chains which we
consider of wide interest in the analysis of Markov Decision Processes.
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