Learning to Localize in Unseen Scenes with Relative Pose Regressors
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02717v1
- Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2023 17:12:50 GMT
- Title: Learning to Localize in Unseen Scenes with Relative Pose Regressors
- Authors: Ofer Idan, Yoli Shavit, Yosi Keller
- Abstract summary: Relative pose regressors (RPRs) localize a camera by estimating its relative translation and rotation to a pose-labelled reference.
In practice, however, the performance of RPRs is significantly degraded in unseen scenes.
We implement aggregation with concatenation, projection, and attention operations (Transformers) and learn to regress the relative pose parameters from the resulting latent codes.
Compared to state-of-the-art RPRs, our model is shown to localize significantly better in unseen environments, across both indoor and outdoor benchmarks, while maintaining competitive performance in seen scenes.
- Score: 5.672132510411465
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Relative pose regressors (RPRs) localize a camera by estimating its relative
translation and rotation to a pose-labelled reference. Unlike scene coordinate
regression and absolute pose regression methods, which learn absolute scene
parameters, RPRs can (theoretically) localize in unseen environments, since
they only learn the residual pose between camera pairs. In practice, however,
the performance of RPRs is significantly degraded in unseen scenes. In this
work, we propose to aggregate paired feature maps into latent codes, instead of
operating on global image descriptors, in order to improve the generalization
of RPRs. We implement aggregation with concatenation, projection, and attention
operations (Transformer Encoders) and learn to regress the relative pose
parameters from the resulting latent codes. We further make use of a recently
proposed continuous representation of rotation matrices, which alleviates the
limitations of the commonly used quaternions. Compared to state-of-the-art
RPRs, our model is shown to localize significantly better in unseen
environments, across both indoor and outdoor benchmarks, while maintaining
competitive performance in seen scenes. We validate our findings and
architecture design through multiple ablations. Our code and pretrained models
is publicly available.
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