論文の概要: Clinical Courses of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients: A
Multistate Analysis
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06071v1
- Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 19:06:39 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-03-13 14:17:05.774959
- Title: Clinical Courses of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients: A
Multistate Analysis
- Title(参考訳): 当院における急性腎臓損傷の臨床経過 : 多状態解析による検討
- Authors: Esra Adiyeke, Yuanfang Ren, Ziyuan Guan, Matthew M. Ruppert, Parisa
Rashidi, Azra Bihorac, Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti
- Abstract要約: 多状態モデルを用いて経時的急性腎損傷(AKI)の軌跡を定量化する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 2.4013793000097103
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Objectives: We aim to quantify longitudinal acute kidney injury (AKI)
trajectories and to describe transitions through progressing and recovery
states and outcomes among hospitalized patients using multistate models.
Methods: In this large, longitudinal cohort study, 138,449 adult patients
admitted to a quaternary care hospital between 2012 and 2019 were staged based
on Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes serum creatinine criteria for the
first 14 days of their hospital stay. We fit multistate models to estimate
probability of being in a certain clinical state at a given time after entering
each one of the AKI stages. We investigated the effects of selected variables
on transition rates via Cox proportional hazards regression models. Results:
Twenty percent of hospitalized encounters (49,325/246,964) had AKI; among
patients with AKI, 66% had Stage 1 AKI, 18% had Stage 2 AKI, and 17% had AKI
Stage 3 with or without RRT. At seven days following Stage 1 AKI, 69% (95%
confidence interval [CI]: 68.8%-70.5%) were either resolved to No AKI or
discharged, while smaller proportions of recovery (26.8%, 95% CI: 26.1%-27.5%)
and discharge (17.4%, 95% CI: 16.8%-18.0%) were observed following AKI Stage 2.
At 14 days following Stage 1 AKI, patients with more frail conditions (Charlson
comorbidity index greater than or equal to 3 and had prolonged ICU stay) had
lower proportion of transitioning to No AKI or discharge states. Discussion:
Multistate analyses showed that the majority of Stage 2 and higher severity AKI
patients could not resolve within seven days; therefore, strategies preventing
the persistence or progression of AKI would contribute to the patients' life
quality. Conclusions: We demonstrate multistate modeling framework's utility as
a mechanism for a better understanding of the clinical course of AKI with the
potential to facilitate treatment and resource planning.
- Abstract(参考訳): 目的: 入院患者の経時的急性腎障害(aki)軌跡の定量化と, 進行状態, 回復状態, 予後の経時的変化を多状態モデルを用いて記述すること。
方法】2012年から2019年の間に入院した成人138,449人を対象に,Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes serum creatinine criteria for the first 14 days。
我々は, アキステージの各段階に入った後, ある期間に特定の臨床状態にある確率を推定するために, 多状態モデルに適合する。
結果: 入院患者の20パーセント(49,325/246,964)がaki,66%がahi,18%がahi,17%がahi,17%がrrtであった。
アキステージ1の7日後に69% (95%信頼区間 [ci]: 68.8%-70.5%) が解決され、アキステージ2の後に回復率 (26.8%, 95% ci: 26.1%-27.5%) と排出率 (17.4%, 95% ci: 16.8%-18.0%) が回復した。
ステージ1AKIの14日後, 脱毛症状(Charlson comorbidity index, 3以上, ICU滞在期間が長かった)の患者は, No AKIへの移行率や退院状態が低かった。
考察: マルチステート分析の結果, ステージ2, 高重症のアキ患者は7日以内では解決できないことが明らかとなり, アキの持続性, 進行性を阻害する戦略が患者のライフクオリティに寄与した。
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