Sparse Recovery with Shuffled Labels: Statistical Limits and Practical
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- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 16:14:58 GMT
- Title: Sparse Recovery with Shuffled Labels: Statistical Limits and Practical
- Authors: Hang Zhang and Ping Li
- Abstract summary: We reconstruct the permutation matrix $bPitrue$ and the sparse signal $bbetatrue$ from shuffled labels.
We show that our proposed estimator can obtain the ground-truth $(bPitrue, supp(bbetatrue))$ under mild conditions.
- Score: 23.313461266708877
- License:
- Abstract: This paper considers the sparse recovery with shuffled labels, i.e., $\by =
\bPitrue \bX \bbetatrue + \bw$, where $\by \in \RR^n$, $\bPi\in \RR^{n\times
n}$, $\bX\in \RR^{n\times p}$, $\bbetatrue\in \RR^p$, $\bw \in \RR^n$ denote
the sensing result, the unknown permutation matrix, the design matrix, the
sparse signal, and the additive noise, respectively. Our goal is to reconstruct
both the permutation matrix $\bPitrue$ and the sparse signal $\bbetatrue$. We
investigate this problem from both the statistical and computational aspects.
From the statistical aspect, we first establish the minimax lower bounds on the
sample number $n$ and the \emph{signal-to-noise ratio} ($\snr$) for the correct
recovery of permutation matrix $\bPitrue$ and the support set
$\supp(\bbetatrue)$, to be more specific, $n \gtrsim k\log p$ and $\log\snr
\gtrsim \log n + \frac{k\log p}{n}$. Then, we confirm the tightness of these
minimax lower bounds by presenting an exhaustive-search based estimator whose
performance matches the lower bounds thereof up to some multiplicative
constants. From the computational aspect, we impose a parsimonious assumption
on the number of permuted rows and propose a computationally-efficient
estimator accordingly. Moreover, we show that our proposed estimator can obtain
the ground-truth $(\bPitrue, \supp(\bbetatrue))$ under mild conditions.
Furthermore, we provide numerical experiments to corroborate our claims.
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