That Label's Got Style: Handling Label Style Bias for Uncertain Image
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:43:16 GMT
- Title: That Label's Got Style: Handling Label Style Bias for Uncertain Image
- Authors: Kilian Zepf, Eike Petersen, Jes Frellsen, Aasa Feragen
- Abstract summary: We show that applying state-of-the-art segmentation uncertainty models on datasets can lead to model bias caused by the different label styles.
We present an updated modelling objective conditioning on labeling style for aleatoric uncertainty estimation, and modify two state-of-the-art-architectures for segmentation uncertainty accordingly.
- Score: 8.363593384698138
- License:
- Abstract: Segmentation uncertainty models predict a distribution over plausible
segmentations for a given input, which they learn from the annotator variation
in the training set. However, in practice these annotations can differ
systematically in the way they are generated, for example through the use of
different labeling tools. This results in datasets that contain both data
variability and differing label styles. In this paper, we demonstrate that
applying state-of-the-art segmentation uncertainty models on such datasets can
lead to model bias caused by the different label styles. We present an updated
modelling objective conditioning on labeling style for aleatoric uncertainty
estimation, and modify two state-of-the-art-architectures for segmentation
uncertainty accordingly. We show with extensive experiments that this method
reduces label style bias, while improving segmentation performance, increasing
the applicability of segmentation uncertainty models in the wild. We curate two
datasets, with annotations in different label styles, which we will make
publicly available along with our code upon publication.
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