A Gold Standard Dataset for the Reviewer Assignment Problem
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2303.16750v1
- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:15:03 GMT
- Title: A Gold Standard Dataset for the Reviewer Assignment Problem
- Authors: Ivan Stelmakh, John Wieting, Graham Neubig, Nihar B. Shah
- Abstract summary: "Similarity score" is a numerical estimate of the expertise of a reviewer in reviewing a paper.
Our dataset consists of 477 self-reported expertise scores provided by 58 researchers.
For the task of ordering two papers in terms of their relevance for a reviewer, the error rates range from 12%-30% in easy cases to 36%-43% in hard cases.
- Score: 117.59690218507565
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Many peer-review venues are either using or looking to use algorithms to
assign submissions to reviewers. The crux of such automated approaches is the
notion of the "similarity score"--a numerical estimate of the expertise of a
reviewer in reviewing a paper--and many algorithms have been proposed to
compute these scores. However, these algorithms have not been subjected to a
principled comparison, making it difficult for stakeholders to choose the
algorithm in an evidence-based manner. The key challenge in comparing existing
algorithms and developing better algorithms is the lack of the publicly
available gold-standard data that would be needed to perform reproducible
research. We address this challenge by collecting a novel dataset of similarity
scores that we release to the research community. Our dataset consists of 477
self-reported expertise scores provided by 58 researchers who evaluated their
expertise in reviewing papers they have read previously.
We use this data to compare several popular algorithms employed in computer
science conferences and come up with recommendations for stakeholders. Our main
findings are as follows. First, all algorithms make a non-trivial amount of
error. For the task of ordering two papers in terms of their relevance for a
reviewer, the error rates range from 12%-30% in easy cases to 36%-43% in hard
cases, highlighting the vital need for more research on the
similarity-computation problem. Second, most existing algorithms are designed
to work with titles and abstracts of papers, and in this regime the Specter+MFR
algorithm performs best. Third, to improve performance, it may be important to
develop modern deep-learning based algorithms that can make use of the full
texts of papers: the classical TD-IDF algorithm enhanced with full texts of
papers is on par with the deep-learning based Specter+MFR that cannot make use
of this information.
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