Many-body localization proximity effect in two-species bosonic Hubbard
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- Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:31:22 GMT
- Title: Many-body localization proximity effect in two-species bosonic Hubbard
- Authors: Pietro Brighi, Marko Ljubotina, Dmitry A. Abanin and Maksym Serbyn
- Abstract summary: We study a bosonic Hubbard model featuring two particle species representing the bath and the disordered system.
We observe clear signatures of a transition from an MBL proximity effect to a delocalized phase.
In this regime, we characterize particle transport, revealing diffusive behavior of the originally localized bosons.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The many-body localization (MBL) proximity effect is an intriguing phenomenon
where a thermal bath localizes due to the interaction with a disordered system.
The interplay of thermal and non-ergodic behavior in these systems gives rise
to a rich phase diagram, whose exploration is an active field of research. In
this work, we study a bosonic Hubbard model featuring two particle species
representing the bath and the disordered system. Using state of the art
numerical techniques, we investigate the dynamics of the model in different
regimes, based on which we obtain a tentative phase diagram as a function of
coupling strength and bath size. When the bath is composed of a single
particle, we observe clear signatures of a transition from an MBL proximity
effect to a delocalized phase. Increasing the bath size, however, its
thermalizing effect becomes stronger and eventually the whole system
delocalizes in the range of moderate interaction strengths studied. In this
regime, we characterize particle transport, revealing diffusive behavior of the
originally localized bosons.
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