Quantum Simulation for Quantum Dynamics with Artificial Boundary
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00667v1
- Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 00:45:08 GMT
- Title: Quantum Simulation for Quantum Dynamics with Artificial Boundary
- Authors: Shi Jin and Nana Liu and Xiantao Li and Yue Yu
- Abstract summary: It is necessary to use artificial boundary conditions (ABC) to confine quantum dynamics within a fixed domain.
The introduction of ABCs alters the Hamiltonian structure of the dynamics, and existing quantum algorithms can not be directly applied.
This paper utilizes a recently introduced Schr"odingerisation method that converts non-Hermitian dynamics to a Schr"odinger form.
- Score: 28.46014452281448
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Quantum dynamics, typically expressed in the form of a time-dependent
Schr\"odinger equation with a Hermitian Hamiltonian, is a natural application
for quantum computing. However, when simulating quantum dynamics that involves
the emission of electrons, it is necessary to use artificial boundary
conditions (ABC) to confine the computation within a fixed domain. The
introduction of ABCs alters the Hamiltonian structure of the dynamics, and
existing quantum algorithms can not be directly applied since the evolution is
no longer unitary. The current paper utilizes a recently introduced
Schr\"odingerisation method (Jin et al. arXiv:2212.13969 and arXiv:2212.14703)
that converts non-Hermitian dynamics to a Schr\"odinger form, for the
artificial boundary problems. We implement this method for three types of ABCs,
including the complex absorbing potential technique, perfectly matched layer
methods, and Dirichlet-to-Neumann approach. We analyze the query complexity of
these algorithms, and perform numerical experiments to demonstrate the validity
of this approach. This helps to bridge the gap between available quantum
algorithms and computational models for quantum dynamics in unbounded domains.
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