Benchmarking Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for
Robotics Control with Action Constraints
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 07:39:12 GMT
- Title: Benchmarking Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for
Robotics Control with Action Constraints
- Authors: Kazumi Kasaura, Shuwa Miura, Tadashi Kozuno, Ryo Yonetani, Kenta
Hoshino, Yohei Hosoe
- Abstract summary: This study presents a benchmark for evaluating action-constrained reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms.
We evaluate existing algorithms and their novel variants across multiple robotics control environments.
- Score: 9.293472255463454
- License:
- Abstract: This study presents a benchmark for evaluating action-constrained
reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. In action-constrained RL, each action
taken by the learning system must comply with certain constraints. These
constraints are crucial for ensuring the feasibility and safety of actions in
real-world systems. We evaluate existing algorithms and their novel variants
across multiple robotics control environments, encompassing multiple action
constraint types. Our evaluation provides the first in-depth perspective of the
field, revealing surprising insights, including the effectiveness of a
straightforward baseline approach. The benchmark problems and associated code
utilized in our experiments are made available online at for further research
and development.
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