A Probabilistic Attention Model with Occlusion-aware Texture Regression
for 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.14299v1
- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 16:02:32 GMT
- Title: A Probabilistic Attention Model with Occlusion-aware Texture Regression
for 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
- Authors: Zheheng Jiang, Hossein Rahmani, Sue Black, Bryan M. Williams
- Abstract summary: Deep learning approaches have shown promising results in 3D hand reconstruction from a single RGB image.
We propose a novel probabilistic model to achieve the robustness of model-based approaches.
We demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed probabilistic model to be trained in both supervised and weakly-supervised scenarios.
- Score: 5.725477071353354
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Recently, deep learning based approaches have shown promising results in 3D
hand reconstruction from a single RGB image. These approaches can be roughly
divided into model-based approaches, which are heavily dependent on the model's
parameter space, and model-free approaches, which require large numbers of 3D
ground truths to reduce depth ambiguity and struggle in weakly-supervised
scenarios. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel probabilistic model to
achieve the robustness of model-based approaches and reduced dependence on the
model's parameter space of model-free approaches. The proposed probabilistic
model incorporates a model-based network as a prior-net to estimate the prior
probability distribution of joints and vertices. An Attention-based Mesh
Vertices Uncertainty Regression (AMVUR) model is proposed to capture
dependencies among vertices and the correlation between joints and mesh
vertices to improve their feature representation. We further propose a learning
based occlusion-aware Hand Texture Regression model to achieve high-fidelity
texture reconstruction. We demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed
probabilistic model to be trained in both supervised and weakly-supervised
scenarios. The experimental results demonstrate our probabilistic model's
state-of-the-art accuracy in 3D hand and texture reconstruction from a single
image in both training schemes, including in the presence of severe occlusions.
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