General Continuity Bounds for Quantum Relative Entropies
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- Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 14:37:19 GMT
- Title: General Continuity Bounds for Quantum Relative Entropies
- Authors: Andreas Bluhm, \'Angela Capel, Paul Gondolf, Antonio
- Abstract summary: We introduce a method to prove continuity bounds for quantities derived from different quantum relative entropies.
For the Umegaki relative entropy, we mostly recover known almost optimal bounds, whereas, for the Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy, our bounds are new.
- Score: 0.24999074238880484
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- Abstract: In this article, we generalize a proof technique by Alicki, Fannes and Winter
and introduce a method to prove continuity bounds for entropic quantities
derived from different quantum relative entropies. For the Umegaki relative
entropy, we mostly recover known almost optimal bounds, whereas, for the
Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy, our bounds are new. Finally, we use these
continuity bounds to derive a new entropic uncertainty relation.
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