Optimistic Natural Policy Gradient: a Simple Efficient Policy
Optimization Framework for Online RL
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11032v2
- Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 02:24:19 GMT
- Title: Optimistic Natural Policy Gradient: a Simple Efficient Policy
Optimization Framework for Online RL
- Authors: Qinghua Liu, Gell\'ert Weisz, Andr\'as Gy\"orgy, Chi Jin, Csaba
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes a simple efficient policy optimization framework -- Optimistic NPG for online RL.
For $d$-dimensional linear MDPs, Optimistic NPG is computationally efficient, and learns an $varepsilon$-optimal policy within $tildeO(d2/varepsilon3)$ samples.
- Score: 23.957148537567146
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: While policy optimization algorithms have played an important role in recent
empirical success of Reinforcement Learning (RL), the existing theoretical
understanding of policy optimization remains rather limited -- they are either
restricted to tabular MDPs or suffer from highly suboptimal sample complexity,
especial in online RL where exploration is necessary. This paper proposes a
simple efficient policy optimization framework -- Optimistic NPG for online RL.
Optimistic NPG can be viewed as a simple combination of the classic natural
policy gradient (NPG) algorithm [Kakade, 2001] with optimistic policy
evaluation subroutines to encourage exploration. For $d$-dimensional linear
MDPs, Optimistic NPG is computationally efficient, and learns an
$\varepsilon$-optimal policy within $\tilde{O}(d^2/\varepsilon^3)$ samples,
which is the first computationally efficient algorithm whose sample complexity
has the optimal dimension dependence $\tilde{\Theta}(d^2)$. It also improves
over state-of-the-art results of policy optimization algorithms [Zanette et
al., 2021] by a factor of $d$. In the realm of general function approximation,
which subsumes linear MDPs, Optimistic NPG, to our best knowledge, stands as
the first policy optimization algorithm that achieves polynomial sample
complexity for learning near-optimal policies.
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