HARD: Hard Augmentations for Robust Distillation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14890v2
- Date: Thu, 25 May 2023 10:57:46 GMT
- Title: HARD: Hard Augmentations for Robust Distillation
- Authors: Arne F. Nix, Max F. Burg, Fabian H. Sinz
- Abstract summary: We propose Hard Augmentations for Robust Distillation (HARD) to improve knowledge distillation.
HARD generates synthetic data points for which the teacher and the student disagree.
We find that our learned augmentations significantly improve KD performance on in-domain and out-of-domain evaluation.
- Score: 3.8397175894277225
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) is a simple and successful method to transfer
knowledge from a teacher to a student model solely based on functional
activity. However, current KD has a few shortcomings: it has recently been
shown that this method is unsuitable to transfer simple inductive biases like
shift equivariance, struggles to transfer out of domain generalization, and
optimization time is magnitudes longer compared to default non-KD model
training. To improve these aspects of KD, we propose Hard Augmentations for
Robust Distillation (HARD), a generally applicable data augmentation framework,
that generates synthetic data points for which the teacher and the student
disagree. We show in a simple toy example that our augmentation framework
solves the problem of transferring simple equivariances with KD. We then apply
our framework in real-world tasks for a variety of augmentation models, ranging
from simple spatial transformations to unconstrained image manipulations with a
pretrained variational autoencoder. We find that our learned augmentations
significantly improve KD performance on in-domain and out-of-domain evaluation.
Moreover, our method outperforms even state-of-the-art data augmentations and
since the augmented training inputs can be visualized, they offer a qualitative
insight into the properties that are transferred from the teacher to the
student. Thus HARD represents a generally applicable, dynamically optimized
data augmentation technique tailored to improve the generalization and
convergence speed of models trained with KD.
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