Local Search, Semantics, and Genetic Programming: a Global Analysis
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.16956v1
- Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 14:13:03 GMT
- Title: Local Search, Semantics, and Genetic Programming: a Global Analysis
- Authors: Fabio Anselmi, Mauro Castelli, Alberto d'Onofrio, Luca Manzoni, Luca
Mariot, Martina Saletta
- Abstract summary: Geometric Semantic Geometric Programming (GSGP) is one of the most prominent Genetic Programming (GP) variants.
Here we explore multiple possibilities to limit the overfitting of GSM-LS and GSGP-reg.
Results show that it is possible to consistently outperform standard GSGP on both training and unseen data.
- Score: 7.486818142115522
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Geometric Semantic Geometric Programming (GSGP) is one of the most prominent
Genetic Programming (GP) variants, thanks to its solid theoretical background,
the excellent performance achieved, and the execution time significantly
smaller than standard syntax-based GP. In recent years, a new mutation
operator, Geometric Semantic Mutation with Local Search (GSM-LS), has been
proposed to include a local search step in the mutation process based on the
idea that performing a linear regression during the mutation can allow for a
faster convergence to good-quality solutions. While GSM-LS helps the
convergence of the evolutionary search, it is prone to overfitting. Thus, it
was suggested to use GSM-LS only for a limited number of generations and,
subsequently, to switch back to standard geometric semantic mutation. A more
recently defined variant of GSGP (called GSGP-reg) also includes a local search
step but shares similar strengths and weaknesses with GSM-LS. Here we explore
multiple possibilities to limit the overfitting of GSM-LS and GSGP-reg, ranging
from adaptive methods to estimate the risk of overfitting at each mutation to a
simple regularized regression. The results show that the method used to limit
overfitting is not that important: providing that a technique to control
overfitting is used, it is possible to consistently outperform standard GSGP on
both training and unseen data. The obtained results allow practitioners to
better understand the role of local search in GSGP and demonstrate that simple
regularization strategies are effective in controlling overfitting.
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