Maximize to Explore: One Objective Function Fusing Estimation, Planning,
and Exploration
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:59:32 GMT
- Title: Maximize to Explore: One Objective Function Fusing Estimation, Planning,
and Exploration
- Authors: Zhihan Liu, Miao Lu, Wei Xiong, Han Zhong, Hao Hu, Shenao Zhang, Sirui
Zheng, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang
- Abstract summary: We propose an easy-to-implement online reinforcement learning (online RL) framework called textttMEX.
textttMEX integrates estimation and planning components while balancing exploration exploitation automatically.
It can outperform baselines by a stable margin in various MuJoCo environments with sparse rewards.
- Score: 87.53543137162488
- License:
- Abstract: In online reinforcement learning (online RL), balancing exploration and
exploitation is crucial for finding an optimal policy in a sample-efficient
way. To achieve this, existing sample-efficient online RL algorithms typically
consist of three components: estimation, planning, and exploration. However, in
order to cope with general function approximators, most of them involve
impractical algorithmic components to incentivize exploration, such as
optimization within data-dependent level-sets or complicated sampling
procedures. To address this challenge, we propose an easy-to-implement RL
framework called \textit{Maximize to Explore} (\texttt{MEX}), which only needs
to optimize \emph{unconstrainedly} a single objective that integrates the
estimation and planning components while balancing exploration and exploitation
automatically. Theoretically, we prove that \texttt{MEX} achieves a sublinear
regret with general function approximations for Markov decision processes (MDP)
and is further extendable to two-player zero-sum Markov games (MG). Meanwhile,
we adapt deep RL baselines to design practical versions of \texttt{MEX}, in
both model-free and model-based manners, which can outperform baselines by a
stable margin in various MuJoCo environments with sparse rewards. Compared with
existing sample-efficient online RL algorithms with general function
approximations, \texttt{MEX} achieves similar sample efficiency while enjoying
a lower computational cost and is more compatible with modern deep RL methods.
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