Investigating model performance in language identification: beyond
simple error statistics
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 10:32:53 GMT
- Title: Investigating model performance in language identification: beyond
simple error statistics
- Authors: Suzy J. Styles, Victoria Y. H. Chua, Fei Ting Woon, Hexin Liu, Leibny
Paola Garcia Perera, Sanjeev Khudanpur, Andy W. H. Khong, Justin Dauwels
- Abstract summary: Language development experts need tools that can automatically identify languages from fluent, conversational speech.
We investigate how well a number of language identification systems perform on individual recordings and speech units with different linguistic properties.
- Score: 28.128924654154087
- License:
- Abstract: Language development experts need tools that can automatically identify
languages from fluent, conversational speech, and provide reliable estimates of
usage rates at the level of an individual recording. However, language
identification systems are typically evaluated on metrics such as equal error
rate and balanced accuracy, applied at the level of an entire speech corpus.
These overview metrics do not provide information about model performance at
the level of individual speakers, recordings, or units of speech with different
linguistic characteristics. Overview statistics may therefore mask systematic
errors in model performance for some subsets of the data, and consequently,
have worse performance on data derived from some subsets of human speakers,
creating a kind of algorithmic bias. In the current paper, we investigate how
well a number of language identification systems perform on individual
recordings and speech units with different linguistic properties in the MERLIon
CCS Challenge. The Challenge dataset features accented English-Mandarin
code-switched child-directed speech.
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