On the Role of Entanglement and Statistics in Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03161v2
- Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 23:55:09 GMT
- Title: On the Role of Entanglement and Statistics in Learning
- Authors: Srinivasan Arunachalam, Vojtech Havlicek, Louis Schatzki
- Abstract summary: We make progress in understanding the relationship between learning models with access to entangled, separable and statistical measurements.
We exhibit a class $C$ that gives an exponential separation between QSQ learning and quantum learning with entangled measurements.
We prove superpolynomial QSQ lower bounds for testing purity, shadow tomography, Abelian hidden subgroup problem, degree-$2$ functions, planted bi-clique states and output states of Clifford circuits of depth.
- Score: 3.729242965449096
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this work we make progress in understanding the relationship between
learning models with access to entangled, separable and statistical
measurements in the quantum statistical query (QSQ) model. To this end, we show
the following results.
$\textbf{Entangled versus separable measurements.}$ The goal here is to learn
an unknown $f$ from the concept class $C\subseteq \{f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow
[k]\}$ given copies of $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_x \vert x,f(x)\rangle$. We
show that, if $T$ copies suffice to learn $f$ using entangled measurements,
then $O(nT^2)$ copies suffice to learn $f$ using just separable measurements.
$\textbf{Entangled versus statistical measurements}$ The goal here is to
learn a function $f \in C$ given access to separable measurements and
statistical measurements. We exhibit a class $C$ that gives an exponential
separation between QSQ learning and quantum learning with entangled
measurements (even in the presence of noise). This proves the "quantum
analogue" of the seminal result of Blum et al. [BKW'03]. that separates
classical SQ and PAC learning with classification noise.
$\textbf{QSQ lower bounds for learning states.}$ We introduce a quantum
statistical query dimension (QSD), which we use to give lower bounds on the QSQ
learning. With this we prove superpolynomial QSQ lower bounds for testing
purity, shadow tomography, Abelian hidden subgroup problem, degree-$2$
functions, planted bi-clique states and output states of Clifford circuits of
depth $\textsf{polylog}(n)$.
$\textbf{Further applications.}$ We give and $\textit{unconditional}$
separation between weak and strong error mitigation and prove lower bounds for
learning distributions in the QSQ model. Prior works by Quek et al. [QFK+'22],
Hinsche et al. [HIN+'22], and Nietner et al. [NIS+'23] proved the analogous
results $\textit{assuming}$ diagonal measurements and our work removes this
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