Extending the Design Space of Graph Neural Networks by Rethinking
Folklore Weisfeiler-Lehman
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03266v3
- Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2024 14:02:53 GMT
- Title: Extending the Design Space of Graph Neural Networks by Rethinking
Folklore Weisfeiler-Lehman
- Authors: Jiarui Feng, Lecheng Kong, Hao Liu, Dacheng Tao, Fuhai Li, Muhan
Zhang, Yixin Chen
- Abstract summary: Message passing neural networks (MPNNs) have emerged as the most popular framework of graph neural networks (GNNs) in recent years.
However, their expressive power is limited by the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test.
We propose an extension, $(k,t)$-FWL, which considers any equivariant set as neighbors instead of all nodes.
N$2$-GNN achieves record-breaking results on ZINC-Subset (0.059), outperforming previous SOTA results by 10.6%.
- Score: 66.23316415757456
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Message passing neural networks (MPNNs) have emerged as the most popular
framework of graph neural networks (GNNs) in recent years. However, their
expressive power is limited by the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) test.
Some works are inspired by $k$-WL/FWL (Folklore WL) and design the
corresponding neural versions. Despite the high expressive power, there are
serious limitations in this line of research. In particular, (1) $k$-WL/FWL
requires at least $O(n^k)$ space complexity, which is impractical for large
graphs even when $k=3$; (2) The design space of $k$-WL/FWL is rigid, with the
only adjustable hyper-parameter being $k$. To tackle the first limitation, we
propose an extension, $(k,t)$-FWL. We theoretically prove that even if we fix
the space complexity to $O(n^k)$ (for any $k\geq 2$) in $(k,t)$-FWL, we can
construct an expressiveness hierarchy up to solving the graph isomorphism
problem. To tackle the second problem, we propose $k$-FWL+, which considers any
equivariant set as neighbors instead of all nodes, thereby greatly expanding
the design space of $k$-FWL. Combining these two modifications results in a
flexible and powerful framework $(k,t)$-FWL+. We demonstrate $(k,t)$-FWL+ can
implement most existing models with matching expressiveness. We then introduce
an instance of $(k,t)$-FWL+ called Neighborhood$^2$-FWL (N$^2$-FWL), which is
practically and theoretically sound. We prove that N$^2$-FWL is no less
powerful than 3-WL, and can encode many substructures while only requiring
$O(n^2)$ space. Finally, we design its neural version named N$^2$-GNN and
evaluate its performance on various tasks. N$^2$-GNN achieves record-breaking
results on ZINC-Subset (0.059), outperforming previous SOTA results by 10.6%.
Moreover, N$^2$-GNN achieves new SOTA results on the BREC dataset (71.8%) among
all existing high-expressive GNN methods.
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