Economical Accommodations for Neurodivergent Students in Software
Engineering Education: Experiences from an Intervention in Four Undergraduate
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:27:09 GMT
- Title: Economical Accommodations for Neurodivergent Students in Software
Engineering Education: Experiences from an Intervention in Four Undergraduate
- Authors: Grischa Liebel and Steinunn Gr\'oa Sigur{\dh}ard\'ottir
- Abstract summary: Neurodiversity is common in the general population, with an estimated 5.0% to 7.1% of the world population being diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia respectively.
Neurodivergent (ND) individuals often experience challenges in specific tasks.
ND individuals also exhibit specific strengths, such as high creativity or attention to detail.
- Score: 1.4359013924162163
- License:
- Abstract: Neurodiversity is an umbrella term that describes variation in brain function
among individuals, including conditions such as Attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), or dyslexia. Neurodiversity is common in the general
population, with an estimated 5.0% to 7.1% and 7% of the world population being
diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia respectively. Neurodivergent (ND) individuals
often experience challenges in specific tasks, such as difficulties in
communication or a reduced attention span in comparison to neurotypical (NT)
individuals. However, they also exhibit specific strengths, such as high
creativity or attention to detail. Therefore, improving the inclusion of ND
individuals is desirable for economic, ethical, and for talent reasons.
In higher education, struggles of ND students are well-documented. Common
issues in this area are a lack of awareness among other students and staff,
forms of assessment that are particularly challenging for some students, and a
lack of offered accommodations. These factors commonly lead to stress, anxiety,
and ultimately a risk of dropping out of the studies.
Accommodations for ND students can require substantial effort. However,
smaller changes in course material can already have major impact. In this
chapter, we summarise the lessons learned from an intervention in four courses
in undergraduate computer science programmes at Reykjavik University, Iceland,
over a period of two terms. Following accessibility guidelines produced by
interest groups for different ND conditions, we created course material in the
form of slides and assignments specifically tailored to ND audiences. We
focused on small, economical changes that could be replicated by educators with
a minimal investment of time. We evaluated the success of our intervention
through two surveys, showing an overall positive response among ND students and
NT students.
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