Massively Multilingual Corpus of Sentiment Datasets and Multi-faceted
Sentiment Classification Benchmark
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:54:13 GMT
- Title: Massively Multilingual Corpus of Sentiment Datasets and Multi-faceted
Sentiment Classification Benchmark
- Authors: {\L}ukasz Augustyniak, Szymon Wo\'zniak, Marcin Gruza, Piotr Gramacki,
Krzysztof Rajda, Miko{\l}aj Morzy, Tomasz Kajdanowicz
- Abstract summary: This work presents the most extensive open massively multilingual corpus of datasets for training sentiment models.
The corpus consists of 79 manually selected datasets from over 350 datasets reported in the scientific literature.
We present a multi-faceted sentiment classification benchmark summarizing hundreds of experiments conducted on different base models, training objectives, dataset collections, and fine-tuning strategies.
- Score: 7.888702613862612
- License:
- Abstract: Despite impressive advancements in multilingual corpora collection and model
training, developing large-scale deployments of multilingual models still
presents a significant challenge. This is particularly true for language tasks
that are culture-dependent. One such example is the area of multilingual
sentiment analysis, where affective markers can be subtle and deeply ensconced
in culture. This work presents the most extensive open massively multilingual
corpus of datasets for training sentiment models. The corpus consists of 79
manually selected datasets from over 350 datasets reported in the scientific
literature based on strict quality criteria. The corpus covers 27 languages
representing 6 language families. Datasets can be queried using several
linguistic and functional features. In addition, we present a multi-faceted
sentiment classification benchmark summarizing hundreds of experiments
conducted on different base models, training objectives, dataset collections,
and fine-tuning strategies.
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