X-Detect: Explainable Adversarial Patch Detection for Object Detectors
in Retail
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.08422v2
- Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 06:39:59 GMT
- Title: X-Detect: Explainable Adversarial Patch Detection for Object Detectors
in Retail
- Authors: Omer Hofman, Amit Giloni, Yarin Hayun, Ikuya Morikawa, Toshiya
Shimizu, Yuval Elovici and Asaf Shabtai
- Abstract summary: Existing methods for detecting adversarial attacks on object detectors have had difficulty detecting new real-life attacks.
We present X-Detect, a novel adversarial patch detector that can detect adversarial samples in real time.
X-Detect uses an ensemble of explainable-by-design detectors that utilize object extraction, scene manipulation, and feature transformation techniques.
- Score: 38.10544338096162
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Object detection models, which are widely used in various domains (such as
retail), have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Existing
methods for detecting adversarial attacks on object detectors have had
difficulty detecting new real-life attacks. We present X-Detect, a novel
adversarial patch detector that can: i) detect adversarial samples in real
time, allowing the defender to take preventive action; ii) provide explanations
for the alerts raised to support the defender's decision-making process, and
iii) handle unfamiliar threats in the form of new attacks. Given a new scene,
X-Detect uses an ensemble of explainable-by-design detectors that utilize
object extraction, scene manipulation, and feature transformation techniques to
determine whether an alert needs to be raised. X-Detect was evaluated in both
the physical and digital space using five different attack scenarios (including
adaptive attacks) and the COCO dataset and our new Superstore dataset. The
physical evaluation was performed using a smart shopping cart setup in
real-world settings and included 17 adversarial patch attacks recorded in 1,700
adversarial videos. The results showed that X-Detect outperforms the
state-of-the-art methods in distinguishing between benign and adversarial
scenes for all attack scenarios while maintaining a 0% FPR (no false alarms)
and providing actionable explanations for the alerts raised. A demo is
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