Loss Dynamics of Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.04841v2
- Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 12:15:15 GMT
- Title: Loss Dynamics of Temporal Difference Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Blake Bordelon, Paul Masset, Henry Kuo, Cengiz Pehlevan
- Abstract summary: We study the case learning curves for temporal difference learning of a value function with linear function approximators.
We study how learning dynamics and plateaus depend on feature structure, learning rate, discount factor, and reward function.
- Score: 36.772501199987076
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Reinforcement learning has been successful across several applications in
which agents have to learn to act in environments with sparse feedback.
However, despite this empirical success there is still a lack of theoretical
understanding of how the parameters of reinforcement learning models and the
features used to represent states interact to control the dynamics of learning.
In this work, we use concepts from statistical physics, to study the typical
case learning curves for temporal difference learning of a value function with
linear function approximators. Our theory is derived under a Gaussian
equivalence hypothesis where averages over the random trajectories are replaced
with temporally correlated Gaussian feature averages and we validate our
assumptions on small scale Markov Decision Processes. We find that the
stochastic semi-gradient noise due to subsampling the space of possible
episodes leads to significant plateaus in the value error, unlike in
traditional gradient descent dynamics. We study how learning dynamics and
plateaus depend on feature structure, learning rate, discount factor, and
reward function. We then analyze how strategies like learning rate annealing
and reward shaping can favorably alter learning dynamics and plateaus. To
conclude, our work introduces new tools to open a new direction towards
developing a theory of learning dynamics in reinforcement learning.
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