A qubit regularization of asymptotic freedom at the BKT transition
without fine-tuning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.06117v1
- Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2023 09:43:35 GMT
- Title: A qubit regularization of asymptotic freedom at the BKT transition
without fine-tuning
- Authors: Sandip Maiti, Debasish Banerjee, Shailesh Chandrasekharan, and Marina
K. Marinkovic
- Abstract summary: We propose a two-dimensional hard core loop-gas model as a way to regularize theally free massive continuum quantum field theory.
Without fine-tuning, our model can reproduce the universal step-scaling function of the classical lattice XY model in the massive phase as we approach the phase transition.
- Score: 2.676262461640859
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We propose a two-dimensional hard core loop-gas model as a way to regularize
the asymptotically free massive continuum quantum field theory that emerges at
the BKT transition. Without fine-tuning, our model can reproduce the universal
step-scaling function of the classical lattice XY model in the massive phase as
we approach the phase transition. This is achieved by lowering the fugacity of
Fock-vacuum sites in the loop-gas configuration space to zero in the
thermodynamic limit. Some of the universal quantities at the BKT transition
show smaller finite size effects in our model as compared to the traditional XY
model. Our model is a prime example of qubit regularization of an
asymptotically free massive quantum field theory in Euclidean space-time and
helps understand how asymptotic freedom can arise as a relevant perturbation at
a decoupled fixed point without fine-tuning.
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