Probe thermometry with continuous measurements
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- Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 11:00:02 GMT
- Title: Probe thermometry with continuous measurements
- Authors: Julia Boeyens, Bj\"orn Annby-Andersson, Pharnam Bakhshinezhad,
G\'eraldine Haack, Mart\'i Perarnau-Llobet, Stefan Nimmrichter, Patrick P.
Potts, and Mohammad Mehboudi
- Abstract summary: A standard approach is provided by probe thermometry, where a probe is brought into contact with a sample and examined after a certain amount of time has passed.
Here, we consider a minimal model, where the probe is provided by a two-level system coupled to a thermal reservoir.
Monitoring thermally activated transitions enables real-time estimation of temperature with increasing accuracy over time.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Temperature estimation plays a vital role across natural sciences. A standard
approach is provided by probe thermometry, where a probe is brought into
contact with the sample and examined after a certain amount of time has passed.
In many situations however, continuously monitoring the probe may be preferred.
Here, we consider a minimal model, where the probe is provided by a two-level
system coupled to a thermal reservoir. Monitoring thermally activated
transitions enables real-time estimation of temperature with increasing
accuracy over time. Within this framework we comprehensively investigate
thermometry in both bosonic and fermionic environments employing a Bayesian
approach. Furthermore, we explore adaptive strategies and find a significant
improvement on the precision. Additionally, we examine the impact of noise and
find that adaptive strategies may suffer more than non-adaptive ones for short
observation times. While our main focus is on thermometry, our results are
easily extended to the estimation of other environmental parameters, such as
chemical potentials and transition rates.
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