Formally Explaining Neural Networks within Reactive Systems
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- Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 08:38:20 GMT
- Title: Formally Explaining Neural Networks within Reactive Systems
- Authors: Shahaf Bassan, Guy Amir, Davide Corsi, Idan Refaeli, Guy Katz
- Abstract summary: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly being used as controllers in reactive systems.
DNNs are highly opaque, which renders it difficult to explain and justify their actions.
We propose a formal DNN-verification-based XAI technique for reasoning about multi-step, reactive systems.
- Score: 3.0579224738630595
- License:
- Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly being used as controllers in
reactive systems. However, DNNs are highly opaque, which renders it difficult
to explain and justify their actions. To mitigate this issue, there has been a
surge of interest in explainable AI (XAI) techniques, capable of pinpointing
the input features that caused the DNN to act as it did. Existing XAI
techniques typically face two limitations: (i) they are heuristic, and do not
provide formal guarantees that the explanations are correct; and (ii) they
often apply to ``one-shot'' systems, where the DNN is invoked independently of
past invocations, as opposed to reactive systems. Here, we begin bridging this
gap, and propose a formal DNN-verification-based XAI technique for reasoning
about multi-step, reactive systems. We suggest methods for efficiently
calculating succinct explanations, by exploiting the system's transition
constraints in order to curtail the search space explored by the underlying
verifier. We evaluate our approach on two popular benchmarks from the domain of
automated navigation; and observe that our methods allow the efficient
computation of minimal and minimum explanations, significantly outperforming
the state of the art. We also demonstrate that our methods produce formal
explanations that are more reliable than competing, non-verification-based XAI
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