Learning Better Keypoints for Multi-Object 6DoF Pose Estimation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.07827v2
- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 02:42:47 GMT
- Title: Learning Better Keypoints for Multi-Object 6DoF Pose Estimation
- Authors: Yangzheng Wu and Michael Greenspan
- Abstract summary: We train a graph network to select a set of disperse keypoints with similarly distributed votes.
These votes, learned by a regression network to accumulate evidence for the keypoint locations, can be regressed more accurately.
Experiments demonstrate the keypoints selected by KeyGNet improved the accuracy for all evaluation metrics of all seven datasets tested.
- Score: 1.0878040851638
- License: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- Abstract: We address the problem of keypoint selection, and find that the performance
of 6DoF pose estimation methods can be improved when pre-defined keypoint
locations are learned, rather than being heuristically selected as has been the
standard approach. We found that accuracy and efficiency can be improved by
training a graph network to select a set of disperse keypoints with similarly
distributed votes. These votes, learned by a regression network to accumulate
evidence for the keypoint locations, can be regressed more accurately compared
to previous heuristic keypoint algorithms. The proposed KeyGNet, supervised by
a combined loss measuring both Wasserstein distance and dispersion, learns the
color and geometry features of the target objects to estimate optimal keypoint
locations. Experiments demonstrate the keypoints selected by KeyGNet improved
the accuracy for all evaluation metrics of all seven datasets tested, for three
keypoint voting methods. The challenging Occlusion LINEMOD dataset notably
improved ADD(S) by +16.4% on PVN3D, and all core BOP datasets showed an AR
improvement for all objects, of between +1% and +21.5%. There was also a
notable increase in performance when transitioning from single object to
multiple object training using KeyGNet keypoints, essentially eliminating the
SISO-MIMO gap for Occlusion LINEMOD.
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