Unlocking Accuracy and Fairness in Differentially Private Image
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10888v1
- Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:42:33 GMT
- Title: Unlocking Accuracy and Fairness in Differentially Private Image
- Authors: Leonard Berrada, Soham De, Judy Hanwen Shen, Jamie Hayes, Robert
Stanforth, David Stutz, Pushmeet Kohli, Samuel L. Smith, Borja Balle
- Abstract summary: Differential privacy (DP) is considered the gold standard framework for privacy-preserving training.
We show that pre-trained foundation models fine-tuned with DP can achieve similar accuracy to non-private classifiers.
- Score: 43.53494043189235
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Privacy-preserving machine learning aims to train models on private data
without leaking sensitive information. Differential privacy (DP) is considered
the gold standard framework for privacy-preserving training, as it provides
formal privacy guarantees. However, compared to their non-private counterparts,
models trained with DP often have significantly reduced accuracy. Private
classifiers are also believed to exhibit larger performance disparities across
subpopulations, raising fairness concerns. The poor performance of classifiers
trained with DP has prevented the widespread adoption of privacy preserving
machine learning in industry. Here we show that pre-trained foundation models
fine-tuned with DP can achieve similar accuracy to non-private classifiers,
even in the presence of significant distribution shifts between pre-training
data and downstream tasks. We achieve private accuracies within a few percent
of the non-private state of the art across four datasets, including two medical
imaging benchmarks. Furthermore, our private medical classifiers do not exhibit
larger performance disparities across demographic groups than non-private
models. This milestone to make DP training a practical and reliable technology
has the potential to widely enable machine learning practitioners to train
safely on sensitive datasets while protecting individuals' privacy.
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