Less is More: Towards Efficient Few-shot 3D Semantic Segmentation via
Training-free Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2308.12961v1
- Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 17:58:03 GMT
- Title: Less is More: Towards Efficient Few-shot 3D Semantic Segmentation via
Training-free Networks
- Authors: Xiangyang Zhu, Renrui Zhang, Bowei He, Ziyu Guo, Jiaming Liu, Hao
Dong, Peng Gao
- Abstract summary: 3D few-shot segmentation methods first pre-train the models on seen' classes, and then evaluate their performance on unseen' classes.
We propose an efficient Training-free Few-shot 3D netwrok,3D, and a further training-based variant,3DT.
Experiments demonstrate3D3DT improves previous state-of-the-art methods by +6.93% and +17.96% mIoU on S3DIS and ScanNet, while reducing training time by -90%.
- Score: 34.758951766323136
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: To reduce the reliance on large-scale datasets, recent works in 3D
segmentation resort to few-shot learning. Current 3D few-shot semantic
segmentation methods first pre-train the models on `seen' classes, and then
evaluate their generalization performance on `unseen' classes. However, the
prior pre-training stage not only introduces excessive time overhead, but also
incurs a significant domain gap on `unseen' classes. To tackle these issues, we
propose an efficient Training-free Few-shot 3D Segmentation netwrok, TFS3D, and
a further training-based variant, TFS3D-T. Without any learnable parameters,
TFS3D extracts dense representations by trigonometric positional encodings, and
achieves comparable performance to previous training-based methods. Due to the
elimination of pre-training, TFS3D can alleviate the domain gap issue and save
a substantial amount of time. Building upon TFS3D, TFS3D-T only requires to
train a lightweight query-support transferring attention (QUEST), which
enhances the interaction between the few-shot query and support data.
Experiments demonstrate TFS3D-T improves previous state-of-the-art methods by
+6.93% and +17.96% mIoU respectively on S3DIS and ScanNet, while reducing the
training time by -90%, indicating superior effectiveness and efficiency.
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