Realtime dynamics of hyperon spin correlations from string fragmentation
in a deformed four-flavor Schwinger model
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- Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 13:39:18 GMT
- Title: Realtime dynamics of hyperon spin correlations from string fragmentation
in a deformed four-flavor Schwinger model
- Authors: Jo\~ao Barata, Wenjie Gong, Raju Venugopalan
- Abstract summary: Self-polarizing weak decays of $Lambda$-hyperons provide insight into the role of entanglement in QCD strings.
We investigate the evolution of these correlations for different string configurations sensitive to the rich structure of the model Hamiltonian.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Self-polarizing weak decays of $\Lambda$-hyperons provide unique insight into
the role of entanglement in the fragmentation of QCD strings through
measurements of the spin correlations of $\Lambda{\bar \Lambda}$-pairs produced
in collider experiments. The simplest quantum field theory representing the
underlying parton dynamics is the four-flavor massive Schwinger model plus an
effective spin-flip term, where the flavors are mapped to light (up/down) and
heavy (strange) quarks and their spins. This construction provides a novel way
to explore hyperon spin-correlations in 1+1-dimensions. We investigate the
evolution of these correlations for different string configurations that are
sensitive to the rich structure of the model Hamiltonian.
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