Using 1-Factorization from Graph Theory for Quantum Speedups on Clique
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- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:59:35 GMT
- Title: Using 1-Factorization from Graph Theory for Quantum Speedups on Clique
- Authors: Ali Hadizadeh Moghadam, Payman Kazemikhah, Hossein Aghababa
- Abstract summary: We provide new Quantum oracle designs based on the 1-factorization of complete graphs.
We also discuss the usage of one of these oracles in bringing the Triangle Finding time complexity down to $O(n2.25 poly(log n))$.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The clique problems, including $k$-CLIQUE and Triangle Finding, form an
important class of computational problems; the former is an NP-complete
problem, while the latter directly gives lower bounds for Matrix
Multiplication. A number of previous efforts have approached these problems
with Quantum Computing methods, such as Amplitude Amplification. In this paper,
we provide new Quantum oracle designs based on the 1-factorization of complete
graphs, all of which have depth $O(n)$ instead of the $O(n^2)$ presented in
previous studies. Also, we discuss the usage of one of these oracles in
bringing the Triangle Finding time complexity down to $O(n^{2.25} poly(log
n))$, compared to the $O(n^{2.38})$ classical record. Finally, we benchmark the
number of required Amplitude Amplification iterations for another presented
oracle, for solving $k$-CLIQUE.
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