Spontaneous formation of persistent square pattern in a driven
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03792v2
- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 12:51:11 GMT
- Title: Spontaneous formation of persistent square pattern in a driven
- Authors: Nikolas Liebster, Marius Sparn, Elinor Kath, Keisuke Fujii, Sarah
G\"orlitz, Tilman Enss, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler
- Abstract summary: We report on the spontaneous formation of square lattice patterns in a rotationally symmetric and driven Bose-Einstein condensate.
We show theoretically that this state can be understood as an attractive fixed point of coupled nonlinear amplitude equations.
- Score: 0.6141800972050401
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The emergence of patterns from simple physical laws belongs to the most
striking topics in natural science. In particular, the spontaneous formation of
structures from an initially homogeneous state can eventually lead to stable,
non-homogeneous states of matter. Here we report on the spontaneous formation
of square lattice patterns in a rotationally symmetric and driven Bose-Einstein
condensate, confined in a two-dimensional box potential with absorptive
boundaries. The drive is realized by globally modulating the two-particle
interaction periodically in time. After a primary phase of randomly oriented
stripes that emerge as a consequence of the Faraday instability, we observe the
subsequent formation of persistent square lattice patterns in the highly
occupied regime, where phonon-phonon interactions become relevant. We show
theoretically that this state can be understood as an attractive fixed point of
coupled nonlinear amplitude equations. Establishing the existence of this fixed
point opens the perspective for engineering new, highly correlated states of
matter in driven superfluids.
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