An Effective Two-stage Training Paradigm Detector for Small Dataset
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- Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:43:11 GMT
- Title: An Effective Two-stage Training Paradigm Detector for Small Dataset
- Authors: Zheng Wang, Dong Xie, Hanzhi Wang, Jiang Tian
- Abstract summary: The backbone of YOLOv8 is pre-trained as the encoder using the masked image modeling technique.
During the test stage, test-time augmentation (TTA) is used to enhance each model, and weighted box fusion (WBF) is implemented to further boost the performance.
With the well-designed structure, our approach has achieved 30.4% average precision from 0.50 to 0.95 on the DelftBikes test set, ranking 4th on the leaderboard.
- Score: 13.227589864946477
- License:
- Abstract: Learning from the limited amount of labeled data to the pre-train model has
always been viewed as a challenging task. In this report, an effective and
robust solution, the two-stage training paradigm YOLOv8 detector (TP-YOLOv8),
is designed for the object detection track in VIPriors Challenge 2023. First,
the backbone of YOLOv8 is pre-trained as the encoder using the masked image
modeling technique. Then the detector is fine-tuned with elaborate
augmentations. During the test stage, test-time augmentation (TTA) is used to
enhance each model, and weighted box fusion (WBF) is implemented to further
boost the performance. With the well-designed structure, our approach has
achieved 30.4% average precision from 0.50 to 0.95 on the DelftBikes test set,
ranking 4th on the leaderboard.
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