I-AI: A Controllable & Interpretable AI System for Decoding
Radiologists' Intense Focus for Accurate CXR Diagnoses
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.13550v4
- Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2023 17:39:17 GMT
- Title: I-AI: A Controllable & Interpretable AI System for Decoding
Radiologists' Intense Focus for Accurate CXR Diagnoses
- Authors: Trong Thang Pham, Jacob Brecheisen, Anh Nguyen, Hien Nguyen, Ngan Le
- Abstract summary: Interpretable Artificial Intelligence (I-AI) is a novel and unified controllable interpretable pipeline.
Our I-AI addresses three key questions: where a radiologist looks, how long they focus on specific areas, and what findings they diagnose.
- Score: 9.260958560874812
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the field of chest X-ray (CXR) diagnosis, existing works often focus
solely on determining where a radiologist looks, typically through tasks such
as detection, segmentation, or classification. However, these approaches are
often designed as black-box models, lacking interpretability. In this paper, we
introduce Interpretable Artificial Intelligence (I-AI) a novel and unified
controllable interpretable pipeline for decoding the intense focus of
radiologists in CXR diagnosis. Our I-AI addresses three key questions: where a
radiologist looks, how long they focus on specific areas, and what findings
they diagnose. By capturing the intensity of the radiologist's gaze, we provide
a unified solution that offers insights into the cognitive process underlying
radiological interpretation. Unlike current methods that rely on black-box
machine learning models, which can be prone to extracting erroneous information
from the entire input image during the diagnosis process, we tackle this issue
by effectively masking out irrelevant information. Our proposed I-AI leverages
a vision-language model, allowing for precise control over the interpretation
process while ensuring the exclusion of irrelevant features. To train our I-AI
model, we utilize an eye gaze dataset to extract anatomical gaze information
and generate ground truth heatmaps. Through extensive experimentation, we
demonstrate the efficacy of our method. We showcase that the attention
heatmaps, designed to mimic radiologists' focus, encode sufficient and relevant
information, enabling accurate classification tasks using only a portion of
CXR. The code, checkpoints, and data are at https://github.com/UARK-AICV/IAI
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