Skill Check: Some Considerations on the Evaluation of Gamemastering
Models for Role-playing Games
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 18:56:04 GMT
- Title: Skill Check: Some Considerations on the Evaluation of Gamemastering
Models for Role-playing Games
- Authors: Santiago G\'ongora, Luis Chiruzzo, Gonzalo M\'endez, Pablo Gerv\'as
- Abstract summary: In role-playing games a Game Master (GM) is the player in charge of the game, who must design the challenges the players face and narrate the outcomes of their actions.
In this work we discuss some challenges to model GMs from an Interactive Storytelling and Natural Language Processing perspective.
Following those challenges we propose three test categories to evaluate such dialogue systems, and we use them to test ChatGPT, Bard and OpenAssistant as out-of-the-box GMs.
- Score: 0.5803309695504829
- License:
- Abstract: In role-playing games a Game Master (GM) is the player in charge of the game,
who must design the challenges the players face and narrate the outcomes of
their actions. In this work we discuss some challenges to model GMs from an
Interactive Storytelling and Natural Language Processing perspective. Following
those challenges we propose three test categories to evaluate such dialogue
systems, and we use them to test ChatGPT, Bard and OpenAssistant as
out-of-the-box GMs.
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