LivDet2023 -- Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition: Advancing
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- Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:24:01 GMT
- Title: LivDet2023 -- Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition: Advancing
- Authors: Marco Micheletto and Roberto Casula and Giulia Orr\`u and Simone Carta
and Sara Concas and Simone Maurizio La Cava and Julian Fierrez and Gian Luca
- Abstract summary: The International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet) is a biennial event that invites academic and industry participants to prove their advancements in Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection (PAD)
This edition, LivDet2023, proposed two challenges, Liveness Detection in Action and Fingerprint Representation, to evaluate the efficacy of PAD embedded in verification systems and the effectiveness and compactness of feature sets.
- Score: 6.154783360142315
- License:
- Abstract: The International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet) is a
biennial event that invites academic and industry participants to prove their
advancements in Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). This edition,
LivDet2023, proposed two challenges, Liveness Detection in Action and
Fingerprint Representation, to evaluate the efficacy of PAD embedded in
verification systems and the effectiveness and compactness of feature sets. A
third, hidden challenge is the inclusion of two subsets in the training set
whose sensor information is unknown, testing participants ability to generalize
their models. Only bona fide fingerprint samples were provided to participants,
and the competition reports and assesses the performance of their algorithms
suffering from this limitation in data availability.
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