Generalized Activation via Multivariate Projection
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- Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:50:08 GMT
- Title: Generalized Activation via Multivariate Projection
- Authors: Jiayun Li, Yuxiao Cheng, Yiwen Lu, Zhuofan Xia, Yilin Mo, Gao Huang
- Abstract summary: Activation functions are essential to introduce nonlinearity into neural networks.
We consider ReLU as a projection from R onto the nonnegative half-line R+.
We extend ReLU by substituting it with a generalized projection operator onto a convex cone, such as the Second-Order Cone (SOC) projection.
- Score: 46.837481855573145
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- Abstract: Activation functions are essential to introduce nonlinearity into neural
networks, with the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) often favored for its
simplicity and effectiveness. Motivated by the structural similarity between a
shallow Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) and a single iteration of the
Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) algorithm, a standard approach for solving
constrained optimization problems, we consider ReLU as a projection from R onto
the nonnegative half-line R+. Building on this interpretation, we extend ReLU
by substituting it with a generalized projection operator onto a convex cone,
such as the Second-Order Cone (SOC) projection, thereby naturally extending it
to a Multivariate Projection Unit (MPU), an activation function with multiple
inputs and multiple outputs. We further provide mathematical proof establishing
that FNNs activated by SOC projections outperform those utilizing ReLU in terms
of expressive power. Experimental evaluations on widely-adopted architectures
further corroborate MPU's effectiveness against a broader range of existing
activation functions.
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