Prepare Ansatz for VQE with Diffusion Model
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- Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 01:12:35 GMT
- Title: Prepare Ansatz for VQE with Diffusion Model
- Authors: Yilin Shen
- Abstract summary: The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) is a quantum algorithm used to find the ground state energy of a given Hamiltonian.
The key component of VQE is the ansatz, which is a trial wavefunction that the algorithm uses to approximate the ground state.
- Score: 26.291188734518407
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- Abstract: The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) is a quantum algorithm used to find
the ground state energy of a given Hamiltonian. The key component of VQE is the
ansatz, which is a trial wavefunction that the algorithm uses to approximate
the ground state. Designing a good ansatz can significantly improve the
performance of the VQE algorithm. Typical ansatz structures include the Unitary
Coupled Cluster (UCC) ansatz and the Hardware-Efficient Ansatz (HEA). The
primary distinction between these two structures lies in their dependence on
the problem and hardware. The UCC ansatz is tailored to the target Hamiltonian,
whereas the HEA is determined by the hardware topology. We believe that an
intermediate approach could combine the benefits of the UCC ansatz while
introducing additional parameters to increase its expressiveness and
capability. In this paper, we propose utilizing a diffusion model to facilitate
the generation of ansatz. We create a sequence of UCC ansatzes as training data
and input this data into the diffusion model. The model then generates quantum
circuits that have a similar structure to the input data. These quantum
circuits are subsequently tested using a VQE task to evaluate their
performance. This approach provides a systematic method for generating ansatzes
that maintain a similar structure while incorporating additional parameters,
enhancing their expressiveness and capability. We validate on small molecules
that the diffusion model can help prepare ansatz circuits for VQE.
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