iPUNet:Iterative Cross Field Guided Point Cloud Upsampling
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.09092v1
- Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 13:24:37 GMT
- Title: iPUNet:Iterative Cross Field Guided Point Cloud Upsampling
- Authors: Guangshun Wei, Hao Pan, Shaojie Zhuang, Yuanfeng Zhou, Changjian Li
- Abstract summary: Point clouds acquired by 3D scanning devices are often sparse, noisy, and non-uniform, causing a loss of geometric features.
We present a learning-based point upsampling method, iPUNet, which generates dense and uniform points at arbitrary ratios.
We demonstrate that iPUNet is robust to handle noisy and non-uniformly distributed inputs, and outperforms state-of-the-art point cloud upsampling methods.
- Score: 20.925921503694894
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Point clouds acquired by 3D scanning devices are often sparse, noisy, and
non-uniform, causing a loss of geometric features. To facilitate the usability
of point clouds in downstream applications, given such input, we present a
learning-based point upsampling method, i.e., iPUNet, which generates dense and
uniform points at arbitrary ratios and better captures sharp features. To
generate feature-aware points, we introduce cross fields that are aligned to
sharp geometric features by self-supervision to guide point generation. Given
cross field defined frames, we enable arbitrary ratio upsampling by learning at
each input point a local parameterized surface. The learned surface consumes
the neighboring points and 2D tangent plane coordinates as input, and maps onto
a continuous surface in 3D where arbitrary ratios of output points can be
sampled. To solve the non-uniformity of input points, on top of the cross field
guided upsampling, we further introduce an iterative strategy that refines the
point distribution by moving sparse points onto the desired continuous 3D
surface in each iteration. Within only a few iterations, the sparse points are
evenly distributed and their corresponding dense samples are more uniform and
better capture geometric features. Through extensive evaluations on diverse
scans of objects and scenes, we demonstrate that iPUNet is robust to handle
noisy and non-uniformly distributed inputs, and outperforms state-of-the-art
point cloud upsampling methods.
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