Worst-Case Analysis is Maximum-A-Posteriori Estimation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.09774v1
- Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 08:24:02 GMT
- Title: Worst-Case Analysis is Maximum-A-Posteriori Estimation
- Authors: Hongjun Wu and Di Wang
- Abstract summary: Worst-case resource usage of a program can provide useful information for many software-engineering tasks.
This paper presents a generic, adaptive, and sound fuzzing framework, called DSE-SMC, for estimating worst-case resource usage.
- Score: 9.61085323616992
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The worst-case resource usage of a program can provide useful information for
many software-engineering tasks, such as performance optimization and
algorithmic-complexity-vulnerability discovery. This paper presents a generic,
adaptive, and sound fuzzing framework, called DSE-SMC, for estimating
worst-case resource usage. DSE-SMC is generic because it is black-box as long
as the user provides an interface for retrieving resource-usage information on
a given input; adaptive because it automatically balances between exploration
and exploitation of candidate inputs; and sound because it is guaranteed to
converge to the true resource-usage distribution of the analyzed program.
DSE-SMC is built upon a key observation: resource accumulation in a program
is isomorphic to the soft-conditioning mechanism in Bayesian probabilistic
programming; thus, worst-case resource analysis is isomorphic to the
maximum-a-posteriori-estimation problem of Bayesian statistics. DSE-SMC
incorporates sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) -- a generic framework for Bayesian
inference -- with adaptive evolutionary fuzzing algorithms, in a sound manner,
i.e., DSE-SMC asymptotically converges to the posterior distribution induced by
resource-usage behavior of the analyzed program. Experimental evaluation on
Java applications demonstrates that DSE-SMC is significantly more effective
than existing black-box fuzzing methods for worst-case analysis.
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