Nonlocal Static and Dynamical Vacuum Field Correlations and
Casimir-Polder Interactions
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- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:01:38 GMT
- Title: Nonlocal Static and Dynamical Vacuum Field Correlations and
Casimir-Polder Interactions
- Authors: Roberto Passante and Lucia Rizzuto
- Abstract summary: We show how the nonlocality of field correlations can manifest itself in van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between atoms.
We discuss how this can allow to indirectly probe the existence and the properties of nonlocal vacuum field correlations of the electromagnetic field.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this review we investigate several aspects and features of spatial field
correlations for the massless scalar field and the electromagnetic field, both
in stationary and nonstationary conditions, and show how they manifest in two-
and many-body static and dynamic dispersion interactions (van der Waals and
Casimir-Polder). We initially analyze the spatial field correlations for
noninteracting fields, stressing their nonlocal behavior, and their relation to
two-body dispersion interactions. We then consider how field correlations are
modified by the presence of a field source, such as an atom or in general a
polarizable body, firstly in a stationary condition and then in a dynamical
condition, starting from a nonstationary state. We first evaluate the spatial
field correlation for the electric field in the stationary case, in the
presence of a ground-state or excited-state atom, and then we consider its time
evolution in the case of an initially nonstationary state. We discuss in detail
their nonlocal features, in both stationary and nonstationary conditions. We
then explicitly show how the nonlocality of field correlations can manifest
itself in van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between atoms, both in
static and dynamic situations. We discuss how this can allow to indirectly
probe the existence and the properties of nonlocal vacuum field correlations of
the electromagnetic field, a research subject of strong actual interest, also
in consequence of recent measurements of spatial field correlations exploiting
electro-optical sampling techniques. The subtle and intriguing relation between
nonlocality and causality is also discussed.
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